Shipping & returns
Orders placed Friday and over the weekend will be processed the following Monday. We reserve the right to request signature delivery on any order. We are located in Shawnee, KS and transit time varies based on destination.
Transit Companies
We utilize UPS as our shipping carrier.
Transit Times
Times vary based on destination and shipping method chosen.
Tracking Information
Tracking numbers will be available within 24 hours from the time of shipment. Account holders can view their tracking number from the customer account page.
Please note, international tracking numbers can take up to three business days to be loaded to customer accounts
Free Shipping/Flat Rate Shipping
Orders of $99+ and shipping to the 48 contiguous United States or United States Military addresses (APOs & FPOs) qualify for free shipping.
$5 flat rate shipping on most items. Large or bulky items may not qualify.
We do not offer free shipping to any order going outside the United States.
Valid within 30 days with proof of purchase. Product must be in original packaging.
Defective Product
Please contact us at 913-261-9694 or email us at [email protected]. Please provide us with a picture of the defective/damaged area or incorrect item. Refunds are provided via store credit or back to the original payment used.